How To Deal with Anxiety Vomiting? A Quick Quide

How To Deal with Anxiety Vomiting? A Quick Quide

Written by :

Arooj Anjum

Arooj Anjum

Biomedical Engineer


How To Deal with Anxiety Vomiting?


Did you know that your gut and brain are closely linked? According to several researchers, there’s a strong connection between the two, and problems in one affect the other. Long-term anxiety weakens our digestive system and leads to anxiety vomiting.


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What is Anxiety Disorder?


We all experience stress in our daily lives. It is a natural response to workload, family, and relationships. But when stress starts to affect our lives and hinder our daily practices, it becomes anxiety. Anxiety leads to different psychological and physical symptoms.

Some common physical symptoms are; 

  • Increase in the heart rate
  • Shallow breathing
  • and nausea. 
  • In rare cases, anxiety vomiting.

Feeling butterflies in the stomach before an interview is typical, but anxiety that makes you sick from the stomach is not. Have you had a time when you had to rush to the washroom or had anxiety vomiting because your anxiety was so out of control? Don’t worry! You are not alone. Anxiety-related vomiting is quite common and is a sign of severe anxiety disorder.

What is Anxiety Vomiting?


Anxiety vomiting, better known as stress-induced vomiting, is the response of the body to high levels of stress and anxiety at times of perceived threat. Anxiety is the symptom of extreme stress, which maneuvers our body to the fight-or-flight response. 


Anxiety vomiting is nothing like vomiting caused by food poisoning or motion sickness. Psychological factors primarily cause it. Anxiety vomiting comes with other symptoms like palpitations, trembling, sweating, feeling agitated and panicked.


If you suffer from anxiety vomiting, then you need to treat your anxiety rather than the vomiting because anxiety vomiting is not a medical condition. However, leaving anxiety untreated can interrupt your daily life. Please consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of Anxiety Vomiting


Anxiety vomiting is caused by extreme anxiety or stress. When stress levels exceed our threshold, it activates the fight and flight response, releasing the adrenaline hormone. High levels of adrenaline lead to gastrointestinal distress, causing nausea, stomach pain, and, in rare extreme cases, anxiety vomiting.


Each individual is different, and so is their ability to tolerate stress and anxiety. Some common factors for anxiety vomiting are listed below;

  • Psychological Factors

Extreme emotional distress, panic, anxiety, and fear activate our body’s natural response, sending messages to our gut, which alters the digestion process, leading to anxiety vomiting.

  • Sensitivity to stress

Some people are more sensitive to nature, and minute environmental changes severely affect them. Due to this heightened sensitivity to anxiety, some people react more seriously, thus causing anxiety vomiting. These people experience anxiety more often and have gastrointestinal symptoms in their daily lives. Doctors recommend life changes for these people so that they are better able to manage stressful situations

  • Other Mental Health Conditions

People with other mental health conditions like generalized anxiety disorder GAD, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and social anxiety disorder are more prone to anxiety vomiting. Living with such conditions is already stressful, and when something stressful happens, these individuals suffer from extreme gut issues like cramps, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Risks of Anxiety Vomiting


Vomiting more often due to anxiety can be dangerous. In comparison, vomiting once in a while due to high-stress levels is ok. If someone has been under a lot of stress and has been vomiting more than usual, please consider taking them to a mental health care professional because anxiety vomiting can deteriorate their health over more extended periods.


Some health complications include;

  • Exacerbated anxiety
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Tooth enamel and esophagus damage and
  • Cyclic vomiting syndrome

Sometimes, vomiting can elevate the levels of anxiety in an individual. This intense fear increases the anxiety attacks, leading to a non-stop loop between vomiting and anxiety attacks. Please visit a healthcare provider immediately.

How to Manage Anxiety?


If you want to keep your anxiety vomiting in control, you must keep your anxiety levels in check. There are many ways to keep your anxiety levels low. There is no cure for anxiety, but different methods to control anxiety are available. To break free from this vicious cycle, try;


Some ways to manage anxiety are;

1. Breathing Exercises


Shallow and rapid breathing is one of the first things a person with an anxiety attack notices. Regular breathing exercises will help you teach how to combat high levels of anxiety.

2. Mindfulness


Mindfulness means accepting yourself as you are. In this case, it means accepting that you are having an anxiety attack. Once you are mindful of your situation, you become aware of your thoughts, feelings, and body sensations when an attack comes without judging yourself.

3. Journaling


The best way to release negative feelings built inside us is by journaling. Regardless of age, journaling is an evidence-based strategy proven to reduce levels of anxiety.

4. Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy (CBT)


To date, CBT, or cognitive-behavioral therapy, is the first line of non-medicated treatment for anxiety. Our thoughts drive every action, and keeping those thoughts in check can alter our feelings, behavior, and, thus, our actions.

5. Finding Cognitive Distortions


Cognitive distortions are mental filters we create about ourselves and the world we live in that fuel up our anxiety. Working with a therapist will help you find your internal mental filters and reframe them.

6. Take Prescription Medications for Anxiety  


A mental health care practitioner can prescribe you medications to help you treat anxiety. Depending upon your condition and severity, you can be prescribed; 

Note– Only use these medications after careful evaluation. If you are not finding relief, consult with a mental health professional and discuss the matter with them. Same-day online prescriptions are also available for patient convenience. Therefore, treatments are available; all you need to do is reach out, and help is available!


Ways to Stop Anxiety Vomiting


If you are on the verge of an anxiety attack and you feel like puking, stop right there and breathe. Try taking deep breaths; inhale through the right nostril, stop, and exhale through the left. Do this until you feel calmer. If the person does not feel better, seek immediate medical attention.


Try to make changes in your daily routine like;

  • Go for a daily walk
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Drink chamomile tea or take peppermint capsules
  • Distract yourself
  • Meditate daily
  • Take vomiting medication

Bottom Line


People with anxiety are always on the verge of a mental breakdown. They suffer from constant gut problems like irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and nausea. Please don’t be hard on yourself. Be compassionate and deal with stress rather than giving up your guard. If you constantly suffer from gut problems and anxiety vomiting, it is time for professional help. No one wants to feel anxious all the time, but know that help is just around the corner. Even during an anxiety attack, you can take control of yourself.


First, notice your symptoms and keep a check on the frequency of anxiety vomiting episodes. Try incorporating the steps mentioned above to feel calm. However, these are short-term solutions; if your anxiety vomiting episodes are more frequent, visit DEA-certified practitioners and get control of your life to find that peace. They might prescribe anxiety medications.


Exploring the nuances of anxiety through a lens of well-being, I aim to offer solace and practical strategies for navigating life’s challenges.


1. Is anxiety vomiting severe?


No, anxiety vomiting is not severe. It is caused by extreme emotional distress. Anxiety activates the body’s fight and flight response. Vomiting can be a little stressful, but once the anxiety is taken control of, the symptoms subside.

2. How do I know if it’s anxiety or if I am sick?


If you constantly worry about your health, you might suffer from health anxiety. Please check with your healthcare provider and look for signs like a tingling sensation, pain, or lumps anywhere in the body. 

3. Is there a cure for anxiety?


Unfortunately, anxiety does not have a permanent cure, yet it can be treated easily. Some treatments for anxiety include therapy, like exposure therapy, medications, and a combination of those two. Please discuss your symptoms with the doctor so they can analyze the seriousness of the anxiety and treat you accordingly.


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