How to Get Prescribed Adderall?

How to Get Prescribed Adderall

Written by :

Arooj Anjum

Arooj Anjum

Biomedical Engineer
ADHD is a neurological condition usually found in children. It is treated via a controlled substance, a medicine known as Adderall, given by healthcare professionals only. 


Adderall is a stimulating drug usually given for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/ADHD. Adderall helps individuals to function normally in social gatherings/ or helps them manage their daily tasks. If you are wondering how to get a prescription for Adderall medication, then you should know that it is only available with a doctor’s prescription. Do not use the medicine without medical advice because of the risks and potential side effects. The medical provider will discuss the patient’s medical history when you visit them or through a virtual appointment.


So, if you think you need to add Adderall to manage your symptoms, make sure you have a valid prescription from your primary care physician/ telemedicine provider.


But wait! Do you need to use the medicine? Do you have the symptoms of ADHD? Or is it safe for you? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Keep reading to find out!

Do I Need an Adderall Prescription?


Adderall is usually prescribed for managing the symptoms of patients with ADHD. A mental health condition that needs prescription drugs to control the symptoms. Not everyone with the symptoms/ or the same mental health conditions needs it. Adderall increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. Both of these are neurotransmitters that improve emotional regulation. 


Note that certain ADHD symptoms are severe and can only be managed by the use of medicine. Visit a healthcare practitioner if you, or anyone you love, have the symptoms or think you suffer from ADHD medical condition. So, the first step is an accurate diagnosis from the medical doctors to minimize the common side effects.

  • Forgetting things 
  • Difficulty managing your daily activities
  • Decreased focus
  • Constant mood swings
  • Impulsive behaviour
  • Difficulty in managing stress
  • Too much talking
  • Constant fidgeting


ADHD is a neurological condition usually found in children. It is treated via a controlled substance, a medicine known as Adderall, given by healthcare professionals only. 

How to Get an Adderall Prescription?


Even if you have a prescription for Adderall, you need to visit your doctor each month for renewal. DO NOT share the prescription with others, even if they have the same symptoms. It is dangerous and illegal.


So, how do I get an Adderall prescription? Visit your healthcare practitioner for initial consultations, as they can guide you further. If you have already visited mental healthcare, discuss with them if Adderall is safe for you.

Ways to Get Online Adderall Prescription


Sometimes, you live in an area where you cannot find a reliable doctor for getting a prescription for Adderall. In such cases, you can rely on online healthcare centers. Patients have reported that online appointments are less stressful and more convenient. But, since every State has different requirements for prescription medications, check with yours before ordering Adderall. So, keep reading if you are looking for telemedicine platforms for online appointments.

Where and How to Get Adderall Prescribed?


There are certain States that allow clinicians to prescribe Adderall to the patients. In this case, the clinicians are nurses, physician assistants, and osteopathic physicians. Regardless of who you choose to visit, asking them for their experience and training is always a plus. A person who is experienced will offer all the information gleefully.


  1. Psychiatrists:  can only prescribe you Adderall medicine without therapy. If you are looking for therapy as well, psychiatrists are not the one for you.
  2. Clinical psychologists: are trained professionals who have the desired training to offer therapy and can prescribe medications as well
  3. Physicians/Neurologists: Initially, visiting a physician might help, as they can guide you further and can also prescribe Adderall if they feel the need to.


Lastly, ensure that you incorporate changes in your lifestyle, as it is crucial for ADHD treatment. For example, getting an 8-hour sleep maintains the brain’s health. Exercise is equally important for children with ADHD as it leads to enhanced mental and physical behavior. Finding the right treatment is what you need to be looking for. If your doctor thinks Adderall is right for you, get them to prescribe it for you. 


Does Adderall Not Work for Everyone?


Adderall is a prescription medication, and unwanted usage of the medicine comes with its own set of serious side effects. Although it is a common medication for ADHD, it has easier access, but remember, it is not for everyone. Each individual is different. Before you search for how to get a prescription for Adderall, please keep reading!


People who do not have ADHD can have adverse effects of the medication on their body. Plus, it interacts with certain medications.


Here’s a list of people who should not take Adderall. The medicine is expensive, and it is a good option to talk to different insurance companies for insurance coverage.

1. People with Heart Issues


Adderall is a stimulating medication that increases heart rate and blood pressure. This, in turn, leads to increased stress on the cardiovascular system, causing issues like coronary artery disease, stroke, and hypertension. So, if you already suffer from heart issues, stay away from Adderall. Please visit a medical professional in case of an emergency.

2. Individuals with Hyperthyroidism


Hyperthyroidism, better known as overactive thyroid, causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Using Adderall along with these symptoms will only aggravate the symptoms. So, visit professional help.

3. Expecting Mothers


Not much research has been conducted on the effects of Adderall on the development of fetuses. This is the reason why doctors do not prescribe it during pregnancy. Adderall is classified as a C-category drug by the FDA. Category C means that it has shown adverse effects on animal fetuses. Make sure you visit your medical professional through in-person appointments or via telemedicine services.

4. People with Certain Types of Glaucoma


American Academy of Ophthalmology suggests that Adderall is safe for individuals with open-angle glaucoma. But, it should not be prescribed for people with close-angle glaucoma, where the pressure in the eye increases suddenly, resulting in vision loss. You don’t want to ruin your daily life routine? Visit medical professionals now.

5. People Suffering from Anxiety


People with anxiety should not use Adderall as norepinephrine only worsens the symptoms. Read about does wellbutrin help with social anxiety.

6. People with Addiction History


Before you decide on finding ways how to get prescribed for Adderall, you should know that it leads to dependency. Therefore, inform your healthcare practitioner of any history of drug abuse. It can cause some serious drug interactions and cause unwanted health issues.

7. People Using Antidepressants/Stimulants


Certain antidepressants, such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors, increase blood pressure. Therefore, using it along with Adderall may lead to a severe spike in blood pressure, which can impose the risks of a heart attack, stroke, and death.


If you have been previously on MAOIs, do not forget to share the details with your doctor. 


As Adderall is a stimulating drug, using it along with other stimulants will raise heart rate and blood pressure.

8. Small Children with ADHD


It is a common practice to try behavioral therapy on small children before starting ADHD medications. Try virtual consultation if in-person visits seem difficult.

Alternate OTC Medicine for ADHD


Adderall can cause severe side effects. You are on the right page if you think it’s time to move past the medicine and try some OTC. Although Adderall does not have a direct alternative, various supplements and non-stimulating drugs are available. Plus, we can’t ignore that lifestyle changes do wonders.

  1.   Zinc- Research suggests that children with low levels of zinc have symptoms of ADHD. So, add some zinc to your children’s diet.
  2.   B vitamins- Individuals with deficiencies of B2, B6, and B9 have a high rate of ADHD diagnoses, and their symptoms are severe.
  3.   Pycnogenol—This French Pine bark extract is magic. Studies show it isn’t as efficient as methylphenidate but improves children’s impulse behavior.
  4.   Gingkgo biloba- Derived from the maidenhair tree, this excellent antioxidant is highly effective in improving the symptoms of ADHD in children.

In conclusion. How to Get Prescribed Adderall – 


Using the correct medicine for ADHD is essential. Adderall is the right medicine for ADHD. The doctors can adjust your dose depending on the specific needs and the following symptoms. If you are looking for an online doctor, contact Therapy Fleet today. Our healthcare provider can offer extensive medical help. Contact us now for an online appointment


Medical Disclaimer:


At TherapyFleet, we strive to enhance the quality of life for those dealing with mental health issues. Our licensed medical professionals meticulously research, edit, and review all content before publication. Nonetheless, this information should not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For medical guidance, please consult your physician or reach out to TherapyFleet’s qualified staff.


Adderall should only be prescribed after a thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional to ensure it is the appropriate treatment for your condition.

Most Concerning Queries Related to Online Adderall Prescription

How Long Does Adderall Remain in Our Body?


Adderall’s half-life is around 10 hours, which means that half of the medicine leaves after this time. For example, let’s say you take 10mg at 8 am. So, by 6 in the evening, 5mg of  Adderall will have been gone by then. So, it takes around 5.5 half-lives for the complete dose to be out of your body.

What’s the Correct Dose of Adderall?


There is no correct dose for Adderall. It depends on the condition the medicine is used for. As a rule of thumb, the lowest dose of amphetamines is given. As different people respond differently, your doctor can guide you best.


For adults and children six plus years of age, the maximum dose daily is 40mg for ADHD. 


If used for narcolepsy in adults- the range is between 5 to 60 mg. 

Are There Any Disadvantages of Adderall?


Apart from some side effects, the biggest letdown of the medicine is that some people form dependency. So, if you have a history of drug abuse, then it might not be the correct medicine for you. Do not forget to discuss it with your primary care physicians.

What is the Cost of Adderall?


The brand name Adderall costs more. On average, buying 60 20mg tablets of the salt amphetamine will cost around $ 40 to $ 60.

What Do I Do in Case of Overdose?


Remember, overdosing can prove to be fatal. In case of emergencies, call the poison center. Some symptoms to look out for are twitching of the muscles, agitation, tiredness, shallow and rapid breathing, dark urine, diarrhea, palpitations, seizures, and, in extreme cases, coma.

 Is Adderall Safe for Pregnant Women?


Avoid taking Adderall when pregnant, as it leads to withdrawal symptoms for the newborn. The medicine can also cause premature birth. The medicine can also be transferred by milk. If you are pregnant and planning to become a mom soon, or if you are feeding a young one, talk to your doctor.


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